A few days ago I was “chatting” with a young man who is contemplating trying his hand at writing a novel. His questions though, about the process, got me thinking.
See he was asking
things such as what kind of “villains” do people like the best, and what story “premise”
is most popular? It occurred to me then that
if he was asking these questions and using the answers to direct his story was
he really telling HIS story? And really
how often do we as writers do the same thing before we begin our own next great
Certainly trends in the
writing and movie culture will play a part in what writers try to craft. If vampires are the “in” thing we might try
to write a story which includes one.
Still most writers, I think, believe, hope, write what THEY want to
write and give trends and popularity only a passing consideration.
But how do we decide
what to write? Going back to a past tip,
we write what we know, we write what we would want to read but beyond premise
and heroes and villains how do we get from start to finish?
For some the only logical
way is to plot out the entire story.
Almost as if they were writing a nonfiction book. They have chapter outlines and designated
goals for each scene they have intended dialogs to carry the story forward. They plan out when a character enters and
when the exit they even know all the twists the story will take. When done with all the planning all they basically
need is connecting words to complete the story.
I think, and this is
just me, for a beginning writer this is a very good method. It certainly allows a writer to determine if they
have established a firm GMC upon which to build a story. Plotting gives the writer a chance to know in
what ways the characters will be growing and developing. Plotting too helps establish writing goals. A plotter, someone who plots can easy say “today
I will write chapter 5” and then they can pull out that outline they planned
out and write chapter 5.
But this organized,
methodical, way very professional way of working on a MS isn’t the only way to
write. There is at least one other way
to go about it….
The “pants-er”
method. You know what I mean, the
writing by the seat of your pants whatever comes to mind at the moment not
really knowing if any of what you write will actually work in the script or if
when you stop for the moment you will have written the greatest thing since “Gone
With the Wind” or something more suitable for use as kindling in a fireplace.
This is a valid
method though. I think it’s even in some
ways the true description of a real writer.
There is no labor intense manufacturing of plot and character. No forced meeting of goals or twists or
cleaver dialog. Pants-er just let it
flow. It comes out as fast as it can be
imagined and it meets all the criteria of storytelling and novel writing. Sure the method may require more editing on
the back end and maybe even the deletion of entire chapters and scenes but the
story gets down before any of the vision gets away.
There are drawbacks
though to this method. The biggest one
would be when nothing comes to mind that day to write. The dreaded “writer’s block”; when the voice,
or voices, in your head decide to sleep in or simply not speak to you. This is not really a problem of the plotter
who can if one chapter isn’t working that day they can skip ahead to the one
they “feel” is writable. Still when
everyone in your head is quiet you can get some editing done.
Now if I sound like
I have a bias towards pants-ing it, I do.
I completely believe in getting the story down first. Getting the words on a page before
frustration can set in, before all the things glaringly wrong can be pointed
out, before doubt in ability is builds before the actual work involved in
writing is realized. But in no way am I
saying one method is better than another or any other besides the two I
mentioned is worse.
The writer’s ultimate
goal is to tell a great story. To tell
THEIR story, in THEIR voice. And if you
are thinking about writing and you are not sure how to go about it try several
methods. Try plotting, try pants-ing,
try talking into a recording device, and try whatever makes you write. I guess what I most want to advise you is
that no matter how you do it as long as you do write you are doing it right…
Hope you find this encouraging and as always READ ON!!
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